Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Day 22, Lake Garda, Italy


I woke up absolutely buzzing even if it was to the sound of screeching kids but I couldn't wait to go Parasailing. I headed down in the morning to check if all was still going ahead as they mentioned at least 3 people are needed to weigh the boat down when someone is being towed. After a quick chat it was clear that other people were down to do it but not until 3pm which was fine with me, I could dig out my clothes to do a sink wash then give the van a good clean inside.

When I arrived at 3 pm we walked down this narrow pontoon that was sunk underwater, at the end was a small floating pontoon which 6 of us climbed onto and they pulled us by rope out to the larger floating deck. When we were all loaded up and headed out the other people I was with started to pull out life jackets and harnesses from under the seating area. The driver and his colleague then proceeded to give instructions on how to put on the harness and life jacket, however I was the only one who didn't understand Italian. Of course the instructions were given in Italian, so all I could do was follow exactly what the others did. I was chatting to a German couple and luckily they were kind enough to translate some of the gestures back to me and I hoped for the best.

Parasailing across Lake Garda!

We had been driving out for a while and I noticed the parachute was about to be released so I decided to start setting up the gopro ready. I had just finished mounting it when I realised the parachute was up and the driver spoke up and pointed at me saying 'you're up first' and pointed at the parachute fully open. I jumped up grabbing the Gopro and clipped in, as they started to release me out it juddered and the gopro slid around on the mount which took me by surprise. Once I was up it was unbelievable, it felt so high up and the views were fantastic.

I returned to the van buzzing still despite the same kids still screaming and started packing ready to hit the road the next morning. Next stop, Lake Como!

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